Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The Buzz Log - Search Spikes and Trends

Tech Talk Wednesday December 08, 2004 1:00PM PT
HD-DVD The consumer electronics parade never stops, does it? Just when you think you have all the latest gear, something new comes along that renders your trusty 8-track (with faux wood finish) obsolete. It's a bummer, but you can't stop technology. And speaking of technology, several new gadgets are getting a boost in search, no doubt thanks to tech-savvy holiday shoppers. Of course, HDTV (+25%) is nothing new (for years we've heard the hype), but buzz on the crystal clear term has steadily risen over the past month, indicating it may finally be finding a home with mainstream couch potatoes. But even if we're doomed to sit through another year of hard sells on why we need to upgrade, one thing's for sure - high definition isn't going away. Searches on "HD-DVD" are up 659%. Yes, that's right -- regular DVDs might not be long for this world. Movie buffs should prepare for yet another special collector's limited edition director's cut of Happy Gilmore...this time with improved picture quality! On the audio front, "satellite radio" (+45%) continues its climb. Howard Stern's announcement that he's getting "Sirius" about fart jokes has continued to fuel searches on "Sirius radio," up 42%, while interest in rival "XM radio" (+47%) is also spiking. "MP4 players" are seeing a significant surge in search as well, up 353%. This next generation of media sharing handles both audio and video files and, if you believe the manufactured hype, will work on just about every kind of device you can think of. Well, except your 8-track.

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