Sunday, October 31, 2004
October 31, 2004
Get Out The Vote!In any presidential election year, the candidates for the top spot campaign hard to woo voters. Political propaganda saturates TV screens, billboards, and mailboxes. But it's been that way for decades. This exhibit chronicles presidential campaigns and how their strategies have evolved since the first contested election in 1796. The creativity in keepsakes doesn't disappoint, attracting seamstresses and smokers alike. Learn about the appeal to women and the revolutionary impact of television. Sample a bevy of ballots, and put on your third-party hat. Despite all the changes, in the end, it's still going to be a fight to the finish between two familiar mascots. (in Politics > U.S. Elections)
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October 30, 2004
African Art African VoicesAfrica: It can't be described simply by that TOTO song you've heard or The Lion King movie you've seen. There are many facets to this gem, including an artistic side. Africa's culture is incomparable, and it is expressed in the arts. This Philadelphia Museum of Art's exhibition features more than 150 contemporary and traditional works, showcasing the creativity of the artists from this continent. "African Art in Motion" shows how fundamental emotions are expressed in wooden sculptures and masks, while "Contemporary African Art" brings together modern imagery that extends the scope and meaning of African art. What might inspire such works? Listen to the voices of some Africans yourself, and capture the culture behind what makes this place so unique. (in Cultures and Groups)
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October 29, 2004
Teen ChicagoTeenagers often complain (loudly) that nobody pays attention to what they have to say, but the truth is, teens have a tremendous influence on our culture. Teen Chicago explores just how "teenagers affect Chicago's history, and how growing up in Chicago affects the way people think, act, and feel." Don't worry, it's not as dry as it sounds. The online exhibition includes pictures of unfortunate teen hairstyles from decades past, as well as anecdotes on how parental supervision may have changed, but the high school social structure is just as rigid as ever. By covering the four areas that have historically affected all teens -- work, school, home, and play -- this site definitely drives home the old maxim that the more things change... (in Cultures and Groups)
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October 28, 2004
From Haven to Home: 350 Years of Jewish Life in AmericaThey came seeking a haven and found a home. From the first settlers who came to New Amsterdam in 1654 to waves of immigrants who entered the country in the last century, Jews have come to America seeking freedom from persecution. This Library of Congress exhibition offers a unique perspective on their life in America. Relying heavily on historical maps, illustrations, and documents, the site tells the stories of diverse Jewish immigrants from the famous to the anonymous and examines the challenges and opportunities they faced in their adopted home. For many Jews in America, the evolution of this country from haven to home is summed up in the words of Irving Berlin, "God Bless America." (in Humanities > U.S. History)
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October 27, 2004
The Sargent MuralsIt is called "Triumph of Religion," but as this site clearly shows, it was a triumph of vision, talent, and perseverance. After laboring for nearly 30 years, John Singer Sargent completed this series of immense murals for the Boston Public Library in 1919. Little did he know that the innovative techniques and materials he used would lead to the early deterioration of one of the most ambitious mural projects in American history. This site, nearly as monumental as the murals themselves, traces the restoration of these artistic treasures. You'll discover a wealth of details not only of the murals, but also of the man who created them, his many other works, and the legacy of the art. Take the time to stroll through this enormous exhibition; it offers surprises with every turn of the page. (in Arts and Humanities > Visual Arts)
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October 26, 2004
Bonsai: Worlds Within WorldsIt's not often that things found in nature are classified as fine art, but bonsai trees aren't your run-of-the-mill shrubs. If your knowledge of the little trees begins and ends with the "Karate Kid," do yourself a favor and take a walk through this site's luscious gardens. Can you feel the Zen? Photographs of the various types of bonsai serve as models for "Westerners aspiring toward bonsai art excellence." These beautiful photos certainly indicate an intense pride in craftsmanship and attention to detail. Even if you have no intention of growing and caring for your own bonsai, Worlds Within Worlds makes for a calming diversion during a hectic day.
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October 25, 2004
Plastic Soldier ReviewFiled under "Serious, Exhaustive Resource Dedicated To Super Arcane Hobby," Plastic Soldier Review makes for great general-interest reading. As this jaw-dropping inventory makes clear, "collectors, wargamers, and diorama makers" are currently purchasing and arranging a huge variety of 1/72 scale plastic soldiers in great volume. The Future Releases section, for example, offers rough street dates for upcoming model lines like Ben Hur Chariot Set (A and B), War Elephants, Bee Hives, Dead Animals, Austro-Hungarian Navy Sailors (Resting and Working), Dervish Infantry, and Donkey Team. You're free to browse by manufacturer, but for a brief gloss on world military history, head to the historical period section, which covers every major scrap from the Punic Wars to the Tet Offensive. The tiny guys are also reviewed for historical accuracy, pose variety, anatomical correctness, and mould quality. Now get fighting. (in Toys)
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Get Out The Vote!In any presidential election year, the candidates for the top spot campaign hard to woo voters. Political propaganda saturates TV screens, billboards, and mailboxes. But it's been that way for decades. This exhibit chronicles presidential campaigns and how their strategies have evolved since the first contested election in 1796. The creativity in keepsakes doesn't disappoint, attracting seamstresses and smokers alike. Learn about the appeal to women and the revolutionary impact of television. Sample a bevy of ballots, and put on your third-party hat. Despite all the changes, in the end, it's still going to be a fight to the finish between two familiar mascots. (in Politics > U.S. Elections)
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October 30, 2004
African Art African VoicesAfrica: It can't be described simply by that TOTO song you've heard or The Lion King movie you've seen. There are many facets to this gem, including an artistic side. Africa's culture is incomparable, and it is expressed in the arts. This Philadelphia Museum of Art's exhibition features more than 150 contemporary and traditional works, showcasing the creativity of the artists from this continent. "African Art in Motion" shows how fundamental emotions are expressed in wooden sculptures and masks, while "Contemporary African Art" brings together modern imagery that extends the scope and meaning of African art. What might inspire such works? Listen to the voices of some Africans yourself, and capture the culture behind what makes this place so unique. (in Cultures and Groups)
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October 29, 2004
Teen ChicagoTeenagers often complain (loudly) that nobody pays attention to what they have to say, but the truth is, teens have a tremendous influence on our culture. Teen Chicago explores just how "teenagers affect Chicago's history, and how growing up in Chicago affects the way people think, act, and feel." Don't worry, it's not as dry as it sounds. The online exhibition includes pictures of unfortunate teen hairstyles from decades past, as well as anecdotes on how parental supervision may have changed, but the high school social structure is just as rigid as ever. By covering the four areas that have historically affected all teens -- work, school, home, and play -- this site definitely drives home the old maxim that the more things change... (in Cultures and Groups)
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October 28, 2004
From Haven to Home: 350 Years of Jewish Life in AmericaThey came seeking a haven and found a home. From the first settlers who came to New Amsterdam in 1654 to waves of immigrants who entered the country in the last century, Jews have come to America seeking freedom from persecution. This Library of Congress exhibition offers a unique perspective on their life in America. Relying heavily on historical maps, illustrations, and documents, the site tells the stories of diverse Jewish immigrants from the famous to the anonymous and examines the challenges and opportunities they faced in their adopted home. For many Jews in America, the evolution of this country from haven to home is summed up in the words of Irving Berlin, "God Bless America." (in Humanities > U.S. History)
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October 27, 2004
The Sargent MuralsIt is called "Triumph of Religion," but as this site clearly shows, it was a triumph of vision, talent, and perseverance. After laboring for nearly 30 years, John Singer Sargent completed this series of immense murals for the Boston Public Library in 1919. Little did he know that the innovative techniques and materials he used would lead to the early deterioration of one of the most ambitious mural projects in American history. This site, nearly as monumental as the murals themselves, traces the restoration of these artistic treasures. You'll discover a wealth of details not only of the murals, but also of the man who created them, his many other works, and the legacy of the art. Take the time to stroll through this enormous exhibition; it offers surprises with every turn of the page. (in Arts and Humanities > Visual Arts)
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October 26, 2004
Bonsai: Worlds Within WorldsIt's not often that things found in nature are classified as fine art, but bonsai trees aren't your run-of-the-mill shrubs. If your knowledge of the little trees begins and ends with the "Karate Kid," do yourself a favor and take a walk through this site's luscious gardens. Can you feel the Zen? Photographs of the various types of bonsai serve as models for "Westerners aspiring toward bonsai art excellence." These beautiful photos certainly indicate an intense pride in craftsmanship and attention to detail. Even if you have no intention of growing and caring for your own bonsai, Worlds Within Worlds makes for a calming diversion during a hectic day.
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October 25, 2004
Plastic Soldier ReviewFiled under "Serious, Exhaustive Resource Dedicated To Super Arcane Hobby," Plastic Soldier Review makes for great general-interest reading. As this jaw-dropping inventory makes clear, "collectors, wargamers, and diorama makers" are currently purchasing and arranging a huge variety of 1/72 scale plastic soldiers in great volume. The Future Releases section, for example, offers rough street dates for upcoming model lines like Ben Hur Chariot Set (A and B), War Elephants, Bee Hives, Dead Animals, Austro-Hungarian Navy Sailors (Resting and Working), Dervish Infantry, and Donkey Team. You're free to browse by manufacturer, but for a brief gloss on world military history, head to the historical period section, which covers every major scrap from the Punic Wars to the Tet Offensive. The tiny guys are also reviewed for historical accuracy, pose variety, anatomical correctness, and mould quality. Now get fighting. (in Toys)
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