Friday, October 08, 2004

Healing Iraq
Opinions on the war in Iraq fall along bitter and increasingly tiresome partisan lines. One side argues that the U.S. should never have gone to war and that the situation is rapidly falling apart. The other side claims these are just bumps in the road to a freshly democratized Iraq. As pundits opine from the plush comfort of TV studios, thanks to the Internet and blogs, we can read what the Iraqi people are really feeling and saying. This web log from an Iraqi dentist still living in Iraq offers reasoned opinions and news about the goings-on in his homeland. Read first-person accounts of recent events in Baghdad and Fallujah, life in Baghdad after the fall of Saddam, and the progress of Iraqi women's groups. It's time for you to break out of the spin cycle with one man's local perspective on history in the making. (in Communications & Writing)
Over time, we develop a certain affinity with the bloggers who labor daily to bring us their thoughts and opinions. We eagerly read their chronicles and gain a sense of their lives and personalities. Vidblogs, touted as the "ultimate public voyeur experiment," is a directory that offers a tangible portrait of the wide world of bloggers, better than any static link or image ever could. The premise is to turn the spotlight on the bloggers who then create mini-films (up to six minutes long) about their lives and the people in them. Here creativity knows no bounds. Bloggers everywhere -- from Norway to Hawaii to California to Nowheresville U.S.A. -- ham it up, show off their editing techniques, and expose their off-hours exploits by way of video journal. Anyone with a blog and an exhibitionist streak can join, so those itching for a taste of reality fame know what to do. (in Weblogs)
At first blush, the humble Frisbee conjures up images of hippies tossing it around while waiting for someone to find the Hacky Sack. Or maybe a group of pie-eyed men trying to avoid spilling their beer while going for a birdie in a spirited game of disc golf. This site celebrates the plastic disc beyond those perceptions, elevating it into an object of art that should be appreciated for its staying power and range of imagery. With over 100 Frisbees on display here, it's apparent the plastic plate has long outgrown its roots as a late '50s fad. The site features Frisbees emblazoned with the faces of presidents, kings, and droids. Many of the discs on display celebrate Ultimate Frisbee, a "sport" that took the plain platter beyond mere child's play to international competition. After visiting this high-flying site, you'll be hard-pressed to identify the Frisbee with anything but good times. (in Sports)
Songs To Wear Pants To
If writing a successful song is as difficult as composers claim, imagine what went through John Mayer's head when he came up with "Your Body is a Wonderland." Ditties that precious don't just fall from the sky...or perhaps they do. What if you could simply make up a song title and send it to a site to be turned into a musical composition? Enter Andrew from Canada, a man more than willing to take your idea and turn it into a tune. While he's no Mayer (or even Jason Mraz), his refreshing refrains display a certain slap-dash panache the product-moving music industry lacks these days. We suggest listening to "Celtic Techno Burrito" as an introduction to Andrew's genius, "Rename Your Rabbit" to lift your spirits, and "The TV Trilogy" to make you love the Internet again. If you don't have the chops to complete an opus, you should submit your ideas now -- songs praising Yahoo! Picks are highly recommended. (in Music)
Derelict London
The seedy underbelly of one of the world's most regal and outwardly pristine cities is exposed to all in this poignant depiction of London's decidedly unseemly parts. Londoner Paul Talling has created a record of his many walkabouts and fashioned a rare portrait of the posh city that cannot be seen via public transport or guided tour. By foregoing the usual palatial pomp and circumstance and heading straight for the gutter shot, a grittier and more vivid (dare we say more interesting?) London emerges. Her abandoned cinemas and forgotten hospitals loom with quiet majesty, while her shoddy domiciles, unkempt corners, and pubs gone bust reveal an aging grand dame's "liver spots." Yet, even at her worst, London retains a hint of the glory we're more accustomed to seeing. (in Europe)
In an age when we have less time on our hands and more possessions than we know what to do with, simplifying our immediate environment is essential. These reviewers critique and rate the efficiency of everyday items such as household products, appliances, electronics, and vehicles. They seek to endorse goods that create minimal waste, cost the least, and require little effort to maintain. Learn the benefits of deep-cycle batteries, composting toilets, and the best all-around indoor plants. Planning on remodeling? Find the best paints, lighting, and "air conditioning" products. While "living green" can seem overwhelming, small adjustments can make a huge difference in your wallet and your sanity. Why not streamline your life? (in Environment & Nature)
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Sharks
We have all experienced a museum exhibit that admirably tries (but usually fails) to get us excited about things that, well, aren't very exciting. Five minutes of staring at prehistoric rocks or the official dinnerware of Buckingham Palace and you'd probably rather be somewhere (anywhere!) else. Not so at the Monterey Bay Aquarium -- they've launched a smashing new shark exhibit. If your experience with the killer fish is limited to Jaws flicks and San Jose hockey, you'll want to sink your teeth in and bite off all you can chew. Visitors to the site can explore the deep sea, get up close with the deadly creatures, and even watch a live "shark cam" -- all from the safety of their dry desks. The site also offers practical tips on how you can help ensure the sharks' survival in the face of increased commercial fishing. Jump in and check it out. (Protective diving cage not included.) (in Science > Animals, Insects, and Pets)
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