Sunday, October 31, 2004

Dear Steve,

I know that by this long time frame you might have begun to think that I have forsaken you. Nothing could be further from the truth. As I compose this note to you I am hoping that all is well with you, and especially that your life with your family is unfolding in a way that provides all concerned with the love and affection that is so vital to a healthy existence. I am solidly convinced that the overwhelming percentage of disease and dysfunction on all levels emanates from the break in the primal need for love, affection, support and understanding combined with unconditional acceptance. Families were thought to provide that in the conventional model, but as we know so well the dys part of the functional stereotype became more the rule than the exception.

That being said, it is completely possible to provide those important components of life's needs outside the traditional framework. I believe that as divorced fathers that is exactly what we are challenged to provide. We can and we will do so.

How are you and where are you? I have been struggling here tooth and nail with so many battle fronts between the Union (lost decision before the NLRB because my "Brother" Ironworkers refused to testify as to the facts surrounding the case). I have resigned from the International Brotherhood Of Ironworkers and subsequently been denied my pension for a 500 hour discrepancy out of 14,000 closely reviewed hours. These are the times that separate the men from the women and children. I will tell you what sustains me is the fact that there are guys who will never walk again, or never see again, or worse, injured and maimed in that hell hole in the Middle East. They got the raw deal, and by comparison my circumstances are merely unsettling distractions.

Please know that I send this brief message with best wishes for you in all of you endeavors and I will also pray that by mid week there is a new President in the White House, who regardless of his individual merits or qualifications, would be hard pressed to be more unconscionable than the current occupant of 2600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Keep well and Happy.

Your Friend,

Michael P. Whelan

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